Rev. Dr. Rodney E. Williams, President
NAACP Kansas City, Missouri Branch
The Kansas City earnings tax better known as the “e-tax is vital to the proper functioning and delivery of critical services to our city. The “e-tax” provides critical services such as first responders, trash pickup, snow removal and countless other important services. If we fail to renew the “e-tax” our city does not have realistic means to replace the lost revenue.
If the “e-tax” is not renewed the city would suffer the following consequences the city would have to face the possibility of laying off the first responders and other city jobs could be at risk. The emergency response time in life threatening situation would increase. Services such as trash removal, recycling, and animal control are services that the residence of our city might have to pay extra for those services.
The Kansas City earnings tax is a 1% tax on the earned income of every person that earns an income in Kansas City both residents and nonresidents who work within the Kansas City limits. This is not a new tax this 1% sales tax has been in inexistence since 1963. The renewing of this tax will not raise anyone’s taxes. Unemployed retirees and military personal are exempt from paying this tax. Remember to vote on April 6, 2021.