naacp header branch update

Sponsorship Options

Founders Sponsor $3,500
  • Ten tickets (1 Premium table) to the Freedom Fund Luncheon, with table signage.
  • Company logo/name on luncheon video, and on branch website
  • Name listed as Patron (Friend of NAACP)
  • Special Recognition during banquet.
Civil Rights Sponsor $3,000
  • Ten tickets (1 Preferred table) to the Freedom Fund Luncheon, with table signage.
  • Company logo/name on luncheon video, and on branch website
  • Name listed as Patron (Friend of NAACP)
  • Special Recognition during banquet.
Freedom Sponsor $2,500
  • Ten tickets (1 table) to the Freedom Fund Luncheon with table signage.
  • Company logo/name on luncheon video
  • Name listed as Patron (Friend of NAACP)
  • Recognition during banquet.
Friend of NAACP $2,000
  • Ten tickets (1 table) to the Freedom Fund Luncheon, with table signage.
  • Name listed as Patron (Friend of NAACP)
  • Recognition during banquet.
Justice Sponsor $1,500
  • Ten tickets (1 table) to the Freedom Fund Luncheon, with table signage.
  • Recognition during banquet.


Table $800

Ten tickets (1 table) to the Freedom Fund Luncheon, with table signage

Individual Tickets $80

1 individual seat at luncheon


You can make a one-time donation or recurring gift online. Contributions to this NAACP branch are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.